Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Benefits of Invisalign

Before the introduction of Invisalign®, patients seeking orthodontic treatment were restricted to traditional metal braces. While metal braces are effective in helping patients achieve straighter teeth, mature patients may find that they prefer a more discreet treatment. Invisalign® offers an alternative way to fix minor dental gaps and cosmetic issues. When compared to traditional braces, Invisalign® offers significant benefits, including:

Discreet Appearance

Since Invisalign® trays are clear, patients are able to maintain a natural-looking appearance during treatment. This is particularly beneficial for adult patients. Invisalign® is also a popular choice for those who need to correct small orthodontic imperfections; rather than getting full braces for up to 24 months, Invisalign® treatment can take as little as 6 months up to a year and produces great results.

Minimal Adjustment Period

The time it takes to adjustment to Invisalign® is minimal. Patients only need to get accustomed to having a covering on their teeth and the general tightness that accompanies new trays. Without the metal brackets and wires of traditional braces, the aligners are non-irritating on soft tissue.

Easy Maintenance

Unlike traditional braces, keeping your Invisalign® trays clean is simple. As the aligners are removable, you can easily clean them and your teeth after each meal. With the removable trays, patients don’t need to visit the orthodontist for adjustments quite as often. Instead, patients are instructed on when and how to change their trays on their own, based on the desired results.

Considerations before Committing

It is important to note a few things about Invisalign® before committing to the process: The results are patient-driven. If a patient wears the aligners for the recommended 23 hours a day and follows their orthodontist’s direction on changing trays, they will most likely get the results they looking for. Younger patients may have a difficult time remembering to reinsert the aligners after eating or in changing the trays on time. In following Invisalign® treatment, it is recommended to use a permanent retainer to keep your teeth in their new alignment, just as you would with traditional braces.

If you feel that you can benefit from Invisalign®, contact Dynamic Dental Work today. Our Queens, NY dentist can help you achieve the vibrant, straight smile without the inconvenience of traditional braces.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Dental Implants vs. Fixed Bridges: Which Should I Get?

Dental patients with missing teeth now have more options for fixing their smiles than they’ve ever had. Of the more permanent restorations available, there are fixed dental bridges and dental implants. You’ve probably heard these terms mentioned before and understand that, in general, bridges and implants are capable of the same things: closing the gaps in your smile created by tooth loss.

However bridges and dentures are very different in terms of how they’re placed in your smile and the ways they contribute to your overall oral health. If you’ve been researching ways to replace missing teeth, consider what each treatment has to offer, and who is candidate for which restoration:

Dental Bridges

In contrast to removable prosthetics, like dentures, bridges are secured in-place by a bonding agent that allows them to last for years with proper care. The standard bridge is a unit made of three pieces: a fake tooth with a dental crown on each end. But dental bridges can be much longer for patients who need more teeth replaced – as long as nine pieces. Bridges work best for patients who have still have teeth on each side of the gap caused by missing or extracted teeth. If these neighboring teeth exist, they can accept the dental crowns that are located on each end of the fixed bridge. 

Most dental patients with a few missing teeth can benefit from receiving a dental bridge and can have their bridges made to look life-like and natural with porcelain and other tooth-colored materials. Bridges are often an economical choice in effectively restoring your smile.

Dental Implants

Getting an implant involves oral surgery to place a new tooth root into bone in your jaw. Implants are extremely versatile and can be useful for patients who have just one missing tooth, or are missing large groups of teeth. Implants are independent as well, so they don’t need to rest on teeth on either side of a gap in your smile. However, not everyone is a candidate for implant surgery. In order to successfully place an implant, you must have healthy bone quality in your jaw. Without healthy bone density, an implant is more likely to fail and become loose.

Dental implants can also be more costly, as fees for surgery factor into the overall price of the treatment plan. But for patients with large amounts of missing teeth, implants offer the most effective, long-lasting and durable solution.

So, Which Treatment is Right for You?

Only you and your dentist are able to come up with the best solutions to meet your treatment goals. But generally speaking, patients with one or two missing teeth often prefer fixed dental bridges over oral surgery for dental implants. For other patients who are experiencing total tooth loss, the investment in dental implants can offer significant benefits for oral function and overall wellness.

If you have questions about the best ways to replace missing teeth in your smile, call our Queens, NY cosmetic and restorative dental office. We’re proud to offer porcelain dental bridges and implant dentistry to provide you with the care you need.