Friday, June 26, 2015

How are Lumineers® Different than Traditional Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic restoration that gives patients remarkable results in as little as two dental appointments, and without the hassle of multiple, complex procedures.  For patients who are interested in improving the way their smiles look, we offer Lumineers® brand porcelain veneers, which are a bit different than standard porcelain veneers.

To help you better understand what makes Lumineers® different, consider the following:

Pre-Treatment Preparation

Traditional veneers are thicker than the no-prep variety  (Lumineers®). Because of their thickness, regular veneers require the buffing-down of natural dental enamel so that, when applied, the veneer does not make teeth look bulky or unnaturally thick. No-prep veneers are so-called because they require virtually no filing of natural tooth enamel to apply. Lumineers® brand veneers are ultra-thin and therefore do not require teeth preparation as in the traditional fashion.

Ability to Correct Cosmetic Flaws

Both Lumineers® and standard veneers are able to cover flaws and improve the shape and alignment of teeth. However, because traditional veneers are thicker, they are often more efficient at camouflaging severe cases of tooth discoloration that cannot be improved by teeth whitening. These extreme cases of discoloration are rare, which is why Lumineers® works for most people, but it’s important to speak to your cosmetic dentist about any potential tooth discoloration that may not be corrected by no-prep dental veneers.


With improvements in materials for cosmetic dental restorations, as well as agents used to bond veneers in place, both no-prep and standard veneers are able to last for years with proper care. However, because no-prep veneers are thinner, if you are really hard on your teeth, there’s a higher likelihood of causing damage. The good news is that, because no-prep veneers can be removed and replaced more easily in the event of damage, the process for restoring your veneer is less complicated.

Our no-prep porcelain veneers are perfect for patients who are in the market for veneer therapy, but who are concerned about removing too much of their existing tooth enamel to get the look they want. If you have a question about getting cosmetic dental treatment with porcelain veneers in Queens, contact our office for assistance.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Dental Implants: The Closest Thing to Your Natural Teeth

When most of us think of dentures, visions of ill-fitting devices and sticky adhesive gel come to mind. The good news is that there are now many alternatives to traditional dentures, with an effective option being dental implants.

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into your jaw to anchor a replacement tooth or bridge. They are strong and stable, and function like normal teeth. Better yet, dental implants are a long-term solution, lasting a lifetime with proper care. There is no lengthy adjustment period like with traditional dentures. You will be able to live your life as you’ve always lived it, full of the foods you enjoy, and without fear of your teeth slipping or falling out at inopportune moments.

Dental implants are a great option if you want a beautiful, natural smile, but don’t want to change your lifestyle. However, there are a few instances when getting dental implants can be a little more complicated.

When is Bone Grafting Required?

Occasionally, you will first need to undergo a bone graft before getting dental implants. This is usually necessary if your jawbone is beginning to atrophy, which is caused by a lack of teeth in the jaw. Chewing, for instance, can exert pressure on your jaw bone. If the bone is not sturdy enough, the dental implant can fail. A bone graft will create a solid, strong base for your implant, giving the procedure a better chance of success. The condition of your jawbone determines how your dentist will proceed and sets the procedure timeline.

While bone grafting may sound scary, it’s really a very common and relatively painless procedure that can be done in your dentist’s office. Getting a bone graft done increases the rate of success for your dental implants, and will ensure your smile and facial features stay in place for the rest of your life.


For questions or more information, call Dynamic Dental Work today for a consultation. We will walk you through our treatment options and determine if dental implants are the best option for you. Call us to schedule an appointment today.